Photo Credit: i s m a e l via Compfight cc
In a previous post I confessed my hidden agenda. Through my preaching teaching, and writing I seek to do three things: Renew Minds, Restructure Behavior, and Transform Lives.
What do I mean by “Restructure Behavior”? I mean that we as Christ-followers must not only have our eyes opened to the truth but our lives must be aligned to this truth.
As individual believers and local congregations, our practices should reflect the central theme of the Bible.
The central theme of the Bible is the Mission of God.
If the Mission of God is the central theme of the Bible, shouldn’t it also be the central activity of the local church?
Unfortunately we slouch toward self-preservation, and there we die. No church can thrive in an atmosphere of self-preservation; the church only thrives in self-abandon in the pursuit of God and His Mission.
It’s not always easy. After all, the church lives with the perpetual tension of a dual assignment: we are called into the world with the Good News and this Good News calls the church out of the world. We are called into and out of the world, and until Christ returns we will live in this dynamic tension. We have to balance this dual calling to reach out and to build up.
How can believers and churches intentional align our behavior with the Mission of God? It begins when we realize the Mission of God changes three key areas of our lives:
- The Mission of God changes how we spend our time.
- The Mission of God changes how we invest our money.
- The Mission of God changes how we see our life.
Dear Christ-follower, in what new or expanded ways does the Mission of God need to impact your time, your money, your life?
When we get caught up in the Mission of God we get caught up in this incredible adventure of becoming co-laborers with God in His great conspiracy to redeem the world. Maybe you need a new adventure. Maybe your church needs a new adventure.
What are you waiting for? It’s your life, go live it.
Let’s stay connected. Connect with me on Facebook and Twitter and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog.