Debbie and I serve as the FMI Global Associate Director for MENACA and Europe. When not traveling we enjoy spending time with our six kids and eleven grandkids, working in the yard, hiking, camping, going for long walks, and watching travel shows (which is weird for people who spend most of our time living out of suitcases). You can contact me at
Jeff has served as:
Senior pastor of New Life Foursquare Church in Enumclaw, Washington (USA) for more than 20 years.
Former president of the Plateau Ministerial Association, bringing together pastors and churches from across the spectrum of Christian faith.
Founding board member and former president of Plateau Outreach Ministries, offering Christ-centered social services to the Enumclaw Plateau.
Missions Representative in the Seattle District of Foursquare Churches.
Regional Coordinator for Eastern Europe.
Coordinator of Foursquare Relief and Compassion.
Current FMI Global Associate Director for MENACA and Europe
What Do I Do?
I am one of six FMI Global Associate Directors who are responsible for the development of Foursquare Churches around the world. For Debbie and me, our mission objectives are to serve the 1.4 Billion people in more than 75 nations and territories of the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia (MENACA) and Europe by Opening new fields where there are no Foursquare Churches; Strengthening our Existing Works, and Stewarding the People and Resources Entrusted to Foursquare Missions. We do this through a large network of global partnerships with national and local churches and individuals who share our same passion to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
Thank you for praying for and partnering with us as we continue to go to the nations to preach the Gospel, make disciples, develop leaders, and cultivate church planting movements.
This is my personal blog. The views expressed here are my own and are not necessarily the views of FMI or anyone else. Follow at your own risk.
Debbie and I serve as the FMI Global Associate Director for MENACA and Europe. We focus on cultivating disciples, leaders, and church planting movements.