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Hey everybody! This week’s episode we are continuing our journey with Jonathan and Sarah. If you missed last week’s episode, go back and take a listen! Last week when I interviewed them they had not yet announced to their church or their family that they would be relocating to London, England to plant a church. This week, you’re getting front row seats on how their announcement went. You’ll also get a more in-depth look at how God worked in their hearts and in their lives to get them to this point. It’s an awesome testimony of how faithful God truly is.
If you want to connect with Jonathan and Sarah and keep up with them on this journey, check out their website or follow them on Twitter.
Recommended Reading:
If you’re enjoying this podcast, spread the word by sharing it with your friends and leaving a review on iTunes. I encourage you to send me your feedback or suggestions for an interview. Help me help you. You can email me at jroper@foursquare.org, or direct message me on Facebook. You can also submit any feedback or questions here. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or Stitcher so you don’t miss an episode.
As always, you can connect with me on Facebook or Twitter. It’s your life, now go live it!
I am among the more than two dozen missionaries supported by the Foursquare Missions International Global Missions Fund. To support our global missions efforts, visit The Global Missions Fund.
Post may contain affiliate links. All proceeds are used to support the missions work. Thanks for listening!
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[powerpress http://traffic.libsyn.com/jeffroper/epi35.mp3]
God is a spiritual cyclone. The way you know he’s pulling you in is that you feel yourself being hurled back out. Going into that cyclone often feels destructive. But that’s only God breaking open the shell of your “seed.” Though painful, it’s a good pain, because out of it comes gospel life. – J.D. Greear, Gaining by Losing
On today’s episode, we dive in to one couple’s journey of going “all in” and responding to God’s call. God T-boned them by calling them out of a fruitful ministry in Nampa, Idaho asking them to move to London to become missionaries. When this interview was recorded, they had not yet gone public with their resignation as pastors, nor did their kids know about it. I’m giving you a sneak peek behind the scenes. You’ll hear about the struggles and heartbreak that go along with responding to the call to become missionaries, as well as see how God is preparing and comforting them in this time. Next week, they’ll be back to walk us through what it was like going public. Make sure and subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher so you don’t miss it.
If you’re enjoying this podcast, spread the word by sharing it with your friends and leaving a review on iTunes. I encourage you to send me your feedback or suggestions for an interview. Help me help you. You can email me at jroper@foursquare.org, or direct message me on Facebook. You can also submit any feedback or questions here. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or Stitcher so you don’t miss an episode.
As always, you can connect with me on Facebook or Twitter. It’s your life, now go live it!
I am among the more than two dozen missionaries supported by the Foursquare Missions International Global Missions Fund. To support our global missions efforts, visit The Global Missions Fund.
Post may contain affiliate links. All proceeds are used to support the missions work. Thanks for listening!
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[powerpress http://traffic.libsyn.com/jeffroper/epi34.mp3]
Hey everybody! This week is the last episode of the summer schedule. September 14th, we will resume with our weekly podcast episodes. You won’t want to miss the upcoming episode. You will get a front row seat of one couple’s journey of saying yes to the mission of God. God T-boned them out of the blue, asking them to resign from their successful ministry as local church pastors and move to a particular country and become missionaries. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss it.
In this week’s podcast, we explore the lessons that I learned from the life of Aimee Semple McPherson, founder of the Foursquare Church. Last week I read a book called Aimee Semple McPherson and the Resurrection of Christian America by Matthew Sutton and it got me thinking about the complex life of Aimee Semple McPherson. Aimee is regularly rated as one of the most influential women in American history and in Christian history. There is no doubt that this woman impacted the world. Here is what I have learned from her: (more…)
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Hey everybody! Back in June and July, I was looking back at the 6 -7 goals I had set for myself. I was feeling the pressure when it came to finishing my goals. I heard on a podcast this idea about Kanter’s law and the saying “everything can look like failure in the middle.” This is exactly how I feel right now. In this episode we’ll talk about this “messy middle” we experience in life.
Recommended Reading:
I am among the more than two dozen missionaries supported by the Foursquare Missions International Global Missions Fund. To support our global missions efforts, visit The Global Missions Fund.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or Stitcher so you don’t miss an episode. If you’re enjoying this podcast, spread the word by sharing it with your friends and leaving a review on iTunes. As always, you can connect with me on Facebook or Twitter. It’s your life, now go live it!
Got a question, comment or some feedback on the podcast? Submit it here.
Post may contain affiliate links. All proceeds are used to support the missions work. Thanks for listening!
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Hey everybody! This week I interview the national leader of Foursquare Switzerland, Volker Heitz. Volker and his wife planted the first Foursquare Church in Switzerland about 20 years ago. He is now the National Leader of Foursquare Switzerland, a pastor of a local church and a chairman for Foursquare Europe. Switzerland is a country of about 8.3 million people and has 4 official languages. The Swiss are known for their tremendous influence politically and culturally. They have a global influence far beyond their size. It is considered a post-Christian nation where only 8% of the population in Switzerland are part of a Christian Church. We’ll talk about some of the hardships, as well as the strategies to reach the people of Switzerland. Hope you enjoy!
To get in touch with Volker visit Foursquare Europe’s Website or email Foursquare Europe’s Secretary Helga: foursquare-europe@online.de
Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or Stitcher so you don’t miss an episode. If you’re enjoying this podcast, spread the word by sharing it with your friends and leaving a review on iTunes. As always, you can connect with me on Facebook or Twitter. It’s your life, now go live it!
Got a question, comment or some feedback on the podcast? Submit it here.
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