Look at what happens when we partner together.
Check out this short video. See some of what is happening around the world because we partner together through the Global Missions Fund.
Thank you to all of you who prayed for and gave money to help make our 2013 Missionary Retreat a reality! Because of your love and generosity we were able to bring together almost 40 Foursquare Missionaries serving throughout Europe for a time of refreshing and ministry. Here is what some of them had to say:
“Holding this years missionary retreat just after the Foursquare Europe Conference was such a blessing to me. While I have been to the missionary retreats before this was the first year I as able to go to the Conference. It was encouraging to see 25 different countries represented and to hear what God is doing across Europe. It gave me a chance to share ideas and to encourage and be encourage by others working in this difficult spiritual climate. After being on the field for six years the opportunity to attend the conference and the retreat not only gave me the rest and encouragement I needed but for the first time it gave me a greater sense of connection with the European Foursquare Family.” Beth Delaney, serving in Cork, Ireland.
“It meant the world to us to be able to attend the conference and retreat and especially to have the cost covered. It was such a refreshing time, a time to reconnect and build new relationships of support and encouragement. And it was really good for our kids to meet other missionary kids! It would not have been possible for us without such generous donors. Thank you so very much!” Tim & Kristina O’Toole, serving in Galway, Ireland
“I was very blessed by our time together in Budapest. There’s something really precious and really powerful about coming together as family and gaining a broader sense of what the Father is doing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Name and Location withheld for security purposes.
“Our recent missionary retreat in Budapest, Hungary was a pure gift! It was a unique opportunity to spend some unhurried time with my fellow missionaries in Europe. It was life-giving to experience the Spirit of God together in the midst of shared relationship, challenges, ministry, vision, and relaxing fun!” Adam Hartel, serving in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
“For us, the retreat was all about deepening relationships with our FMI colleagues in Europe and learning about their experiences. We rarely see them and it was very encouraging to be together, sharing our stories and relating as only missionaries to Europe can to one another. The activities planned were the catalysts, and sooo much fun! Thank you to all who made it possible!” Brett and Tammy Toft, serving in Tallinn, Estonia.
These are just a few of the words of appreciation that have been expressed to everyone who helped make this happen. Thanks again!
Mission work is not the work of a missionary; it is the work of the body of Christ. Debbie and I count it a great joy serving with you in fulfilling the Great Commission. Let me know if we can serve you in any way.
– I will be in Ukraine this month leading a pastors’ conference. Pray for spiritual breakthroughs throughout this great nation and the whole Russian-speaking world.
– I will be in Gothenburg, Sweden later this month. We have six churches in Sweden we are working with to develop a Foursquare Church planting movement in this nation.
– The Balkans: We are working with our FMI missionaries and European leaders to plant and develop more churches through this region.
– Romania: Pray for wisdom and for laborers to help us reach this amazing nation.
– The Russian-speaking Nations: Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for strong, healthy churches to be planted and developed.
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. Together we are making a difference.
Jeff & Debbie
How about a quick peek into one of my recent ministry trips that covered three weeks, six nations, and 14,000 miles?
Spantov, Romania
I ministered along side Pastor Daniel Banu. Daniel is a gifted leader doing an amazing job of reaching the Roma (Gypsy) people. I stayed in his home along with his eight children, wife, and a few other adults. There was never a dull moment from the time we woke up until we went to bed. Morning started with neighbors in need coming to Pastor Daniel’s home for coffee, bread, sugar, and other daily needs. They have a window off the kitchen wall that opens wide and people just walk up to it or ride their bicycles to the window to ask for help. The days were filled with serving people. At night we would have church or training meetings with leaders.
Pastor Daniel is a strong, visionary leader with a passion to see people’s lives transformed. Check out this video and then click HERE to learn how we can partner with him.
Tirana, Albania.
I then flew to Tirana, Albania to be with our FMI missionaries Chris and Laura Dakas. Chris and Laura have faithfully served Albania and the Balkans for more than 20 years. Because of their work the Good News of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed and demonstrated in Albania and beyond. Check out their website, http://www.stephencenter.com for more information.
Gjakova, Kosovo
Chris and I then drove to Gjakova, Kosovo to be with Astrit and Emily Morina. They pastor Eternity Church. God is using Astrit and Emily to bring healing to this nation that has suffered so much. Working together with this quality couple we will see Foursquare Churches planted throughout Kosovo.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Then it was back to Albania for one night then off to the airport for a flight to Sarajevo. I went to Sarajevo to connect with a young couple from a Foursquare Church in New York and to connect with a local pastor who wants to explore getting connected with our Foursquare movement in Europe. I spent my first day in Sarajevo with Adam and Lizz, the American couple. Even though this was our first time to meet face-to-face we instantly connected. What a great couple! I liked them so much I invited them to our Foursquare Europe conference in Budapest the following month. They were able to attend and they tell me it was a great time for them.
I spent my second day in Sarajevo with Pastor Dario. He has a church about 70 km from Sarajevo. Just like with Adam and Lizz from the day before it felt like I was meeting an old friend. I look forward to building a long-term relationship with these leaders and seeing the Foursquare Church grow throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Kiev, Ukraine
Then it was off to Kiev, Ukraine to meet with Dmitry Mason. Dmitry leads a local church and a network of Churches called City of Light. We are working together to build strong healthy churches throughout Ukraine and beyond.
Chelyabinsk, Russia
After my time in Kiev I flew to Chelyabinsk, Russia (made famous recently by the meteorite that exploded over their city). Debbie and I started working in Russia in the mid-1990s. It was out of our work there that the Foursquare Church of Russia was established. For the last eight years it has been led by Pastor Slava Naniyantz. Last autumn during a Foursquare Russia gathering he let the leaders know he felt his time was over as the national leader and it was time to pass the leadership off to someone else. A plan was set in place to meet again in March in Chelyabinsk.
I sat in the meeting in Chelyabinsk watching how these pastors worked together to select a new leader and forge a new path forward. I was humbled and amazed to see just how healthy the process was. I am so excited to see what the future holds for Foursquare Russia.
I share these brief glimpses of my travels for one reason: to give you a taste of what it is we do together. We each have our role to play in making disciples of all nations. One part is not more important than another part. When we all do our part there is a Holy Spirit-empowered synergy that takes place that multiplies our efforts.
I wanted to say thank you for praying with us, supporting us, and partnering with us. It is because of your prayers, your giving, and your partnership that Debbie and I are able to open new fields, strengthen existing works, and care for the people, opportunities and resources entrusted to FMI for Europe.
I wanted you to see a glimpse of your harvest. Yes, because of our partnership we get to share in the harvest together. I wanted to let you have a glimpse of what I think is held in heaven for us.
Jeff and Debbie
(If you enjoy hearing from me, subscribe to this blog and you will get email updates every time I post something. Also, “friend me” on Facebook.)
Over the last few years I have had a very deep and tormenting struggle with fear.
This fear caused me to be agitated over the harmless actions of others. I found myself misinterpreting the words, motives, and actions of others. I found myself becoming suspicious, cynical, and even a bit resentful. I was apprehensive and disquieted. Fear tormented me.
This fear lurked around the dark corners of my mind. It whispered to me in quiet moments. It felt at times like I had a hook in my jaw. Every time I moved forward this fear would jerk my head around and scream at me “They are going to pull the rug out from under you! They don’t care what you are doing! They only care about what they are doing! They don’t understand you! They don’t support you! You are all alone!”
I would cry out to God for help and mercy. I needed his wisdom, understanding, and insight. I knew I was headed down a very unhealthy path. I was rotting from the inside out.
Then one day I was listening to a lecture series by Bible scholar Luke Timothy Johnson on the life of St. Paul. He made a statement that pulled the hook from my jaw. Professor Johnson was talking about Paul’s purpose in writing the book of Romans. He said something along the lines of “Paul wrote Romans because he was wanting to form a partnership in his mission to spread the Gospel into Spain.” That stopped me dead in my tracks. I have studied and preached the Bible for more than 30 years and somehow that little piece of insight was held back from me until that very moment when I needed it most. This word confronted my fear head on. For you see, the fear that was destroying me was my fear of the US local church. I was fearful the US local church would sacrifice mission for self-preservation.
I knew when I heard those words about Romans a “word from God” was planted in my spirit. It was not fully developed, but I knew the seed was planted.
Instantly I had a “revelation” of the dynamic Holy Spirit synergy that takes place when the local church partners with the apostolic mission to go to the frontiers. Missionary work is not the job of a missionary; it is job of the body of Christ.
As a missionary I cannot do my job without the body of Christ, not just because I need financial resources from them to reach the frontiers but also because I need the spiritual resources that are only deposited in the body of Christ. And equally true the local church cannot accomplish its full purpose without its apostolic missionaries. Something supernatural happens when you have a full partnership between the local church and global missions.
Since that flash of illumination took place I have been reading and re-reading the book of Romans. I have scheduled a sabbatical to spend time in Romans. There are reasons why the book of Romans has been instrumental in some of the major events in Church history such as the conversation of Augustine, the Reformation being launched because of Luther’s encounter with Romans, John Wesley’s conversation after reading Luther’s Preface to the Romans, and Karl Barth’s theological transformation and revolution after encountering Romans. Maybe today we need to re-encounter the message and purpose of Romans as well.
I see things clearer now, and my deep fear has given way to a greater faith: A faith in the Body of Christ. I delight in this amazing organism called The Body of Christ.
I have a better understanding of passages like Romans 15:23-24, “But now, since I no longer have any room for work in these regions, and since I have longed for many years to come to you, I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain, and to be helped on my journey there by you, once I have enjoyed your company for a while.” (ESV)
The phrase Paul uses for “helped on my journey” was used to refer to expeditions being provisioned with food, money, transportation, letters of introduction, and other means of help. The Gospel expansion into Spain needed the provisions of the Body of Christ in Rome.
Paul’s motive was not merely mercenary though. He also sought to benefit the church and experience mutual refreshing, saying he would go on to Spain “once I have enjoyed your company for a while.”
I am so thankful the Lord has brought me through my battle with fear. During the month of February I was so refreshed to be with churches like the Tualatin Foursquare Church in the Portland, Oregon area, New Heart Foursquare in greater Los Angeles, and New Hope Foursquare Church in Salem Oregon. It was with great joy and refreshing that I was able to share with pastors and leaders in mission conferences in Burbank, California and Beaverton, Oregon.
Now, rather than fear tormenting my mind I find myself longing to be with local churches to help them fulfill the Great Commission. We cannot do it alone; we are totally dependent on one another.
I have not figured it all out yet. I don’t know how to fully integrate this new understanding of our mutual partnership, but I love what I see happening.
I would love to hear from you. What has been your experience in this area? What lessons have you learned? What ideas and suggestions do you have to develop greater mission partnerships? Leave a comment below.
If I can serve you and your church in any way, please let me know. Email me at jroper@foursquare.org
Don’t forget to pray for our Spantov Project. Click HERE to learn more and how you can help.
(If you enjoy hearing from me, subscribe to this blog and you will get email updates every time I post something.)
I cannot thank you enough for your faithful partnership. Debbie and I are so grateful to have people like you who are praying and partnering with us in opening new fields, strengthening the churches, and stewarding the people, opportunities, and resources entrusted to Foursquare Missions for Europe.
First, some celebrations.
During the month of April we had a great time gathering in Budapest, Hungary with 150 key leaders from 24 European nations. The Foursquare Church is advancing on all fronts throughout Europe. We are seeing new fields opening up all around us. Nations like Sweden, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina are opening up. The Russian-speaking nations like Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan are growing strong. All around us we are seeing incredible opportunities. Thank you for praying with us.
Following the Foursquare Europe conference, we pulled together about 35 Foursquare missionaries who are serving throughout Europe for a few days of food, fun, fellowship, and spiritual refreshing. It was a wonderful time. Thank you for your financial gifts that made it possible for us to serve our missionaries. I wish you could have seen the looks on their faces and the words of thanks they expressed for what God did among us. It was refreshing on all levels. Thank you.
A Kingdom Opportunity
I would like to share with you a “kingdom opportunity” that will reach an unreached people group in southern Romania: The Spantov Project.
Massive unemployment, discrimination, illiteracy, and isolation continue to oppress the Roma (Gypsy) people throughout Europe. Yet, there is hope. Jesus has called us to be salt and light in this world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ breaks the bondages that hold people captive.
In southern Romania Foursquare Pastor Daniel Banu, himself a Roma, is leading a growing movement of Romani people to new levels of freedom in Christ by providing Spirit-filled and culturally relevant churches and outreaches.
One of his boldest endeavors yet is the formation of a Community Center in Calarasi county, Romania, to focus on educating, feeding, and nurturing Romani children, giving them a solid Christ-centered Biblical foundation to see their lives and cultures transformed through the Gospel expressed in practical ways.
The Community Center will provide a multitude of services, including:
· Preparation for school integration through literacy programs
· Medical assistance
· Psychological evaluation and programs
· Lunch and two snacks a day
· Tutoring assistance
· Shoes and clothing
· Hygiene and sanitary services
· School materials
· Individual and family counseling
· Family focused training to improve family, social, and professional life.
The European Union has set up a program to give grants to projects that improve the lives of the Romani people.
Daniel is eligible for one of these grants. He needs to provide 8% ($12,000) of the total cost of the project; the rest will be funded by the European Union.
Will you consider giving today to help us make this project a reality? We need to raise $12,000 by the end of May, 2013.
To give online, click HERE.
To give by check, send your support to:
Foursquare Missions International
P.O. Box 26776
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Include on the MEMO line: “Spantov Project/Europe”
Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support. Together, we will make a kingdom impact among the Romani people. (The complete grant proposal is available upon request.)
Prayer Needs
Thanks for everything. I look forward to hearing from you.
Debbie and I serve as the FMI Global Associate Director for MENACA and Europe. We focus on cultivating disciples, leaders, and church planting movements.
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